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Part-time study programs

Part-time study

If you cannot or do not want to study full-time, you have the option of applying for part-time study.

The basis for all regulations on part-time study is the "Regulations governing part-time study (TzO)" of Clausthal University of Technology.

Currently, only the degree programs listed below are suitable for part-time study.

Students who fulfill one or more of the following reasons are allowed to study part-time (see § 3 para. 3 TzO):

  • Looking after a child or caring for relatives
  • Own disability or serious chronic illness
  • Outstanding civic or social commitment (e.g. top-class sport)
  • Participation in student or academic self-administration committees
  • Own gainful employment of at least 15 h/week

Applications for part-time study must be submitted for two consecutive semesters.

  • Applications must be submitted before the start of re-registration for the coming semester
  • Exception: first semester students and students changing universities can submit the application by 15.10. or 15.04. at the latest

In part-time studies, a maximum of 33 CP can be completed in two semesters. See TzO

Special regulations for international applicants

If you are a Non-EU national, you usually may not study part-time due to regulations of the residence law. It is therefore imperative to make an appointment with the Foreigners' Registration Office in Goslar before submitting your application.

List of study programs

Bachelor programs

Business Administration (Bachelor)

The subject of business administration is the description, explanation and support of decision-making processes in companies.

Chemistry * (Bachelor)

The course has a high degree of practical relevance and excellent career prospects in the private sector and in research.

Digital Technologies * (Bachelor)

The Bachelor's degree program focuses on the digital technologies of tomorrow. It combines the subjects of computer science, an individual field of application…

Energy and Materials Physics * (Bachelor)

Energy efficiency and sustainable energy supply are cornerstones of the energy transition. They also require new ways of developing materials for energy…

Computer Science (Bachelor)

With the Computer Science, Business Informatics and Computer Engineering degree programs, the Computer Science degree program trains the digitalization experts…

Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor)

The degree program is not just about manufacturing efficient, high-quality products, but about constantly making new contributions to solving urgent problems in…

Sustainable raw material extraction and recycling * (Bachelor)

Every day, we use products that are made from primarily extracted or recycled raw materials. Raw materials are therefore an indispensable basis for our everyday…

Sports Engineering * (Bachelor)

Sports engineering is all about developing innovations for high-tech sports equipment. The course requires both engineering and sports science knowledge.

Business Chemistry * (Bachelor)

Business Chemistry combines chemistry with business administration and dovetails both subjects for management positions.

Business / Industrial Mathematics * (Bachelor)

Mathematical methods are used in almost all areas of our society, e.g. for planning, simulation and control in production or transportation.

Master programs

Chemistry * (Master)

The Master's degree course is material and process-oriented and offers a wide range of options for individual specialization with the two fields of study…

Digital Technologies * (Master)

The Master's degree program is application-oriented and interdisciplinary. The computer science subjects are further deepened and tested within the digitization…

Energie und Materialphysik * (Master)

Energy and Materials Physics offers the unique opportunity of a thematically broad and in-depth education in materials physics and materials chemistry of…

Computer Science * (Master)

Become an expert in current topics in computer science, such as artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, energy informatics, computer graphics, big…

Mechanical Engineering * (Master)

Students acquire engineering and interdisciplinary qualifications that enable them to work individually in the industries and fields of mechanical engineering.

Technical Business Administration (Master)

Operational decisions are often characterized by a close link between business management and engineering issues.

Process Engineering / Chemical Engineering * (Master)

The Master's program provides in-depth knowledge required for a responsible position, particularly in research and development.

Business Informatics * (Master)

Business informatics performs an interface function between computer science, which is often technically oriented, and application-oriented business…

Business / Technomathematics * (Master)

Excellent career opportunities, e.g. in the automotive and aviation industries, in telecommunications and transportation companies, at banks and insurance…