Information technology is one of the most important economic sectors in Germany, covering several modern areas of electrical engineering such as automation technology, telecommunications and microelectronics. Due to the transformation of industry under the buzzwords "digitization of industry", "Industry 4.0" or "Industrial Internet of Things", the importance of information technology has once again increased significantly. Solutions from communications engineering and high-frequency technology are required for the processing and transmission of digital data. Future autonomous systems in industry and transportation require research in measurement, control and automation technology.
Job profile and labor market
The digitalization of industry is creating a rapidly growing job market for graduates in electrical engineering and information technology (ETIT). Information is captured by miniaturized sensors, processed into control signals via microelectronics, transmitted via electromagnetic waves and influences our real world via electromechanical actuators. The VDE assumes that the number of jobs will increase by up to 50% in the coming years, whereby the students completing their studies will not even cover the demand for the existing jobs that become vacant. The ETIT course trains engineers who are able to research and develop sustainable solutions for the digitalized industry of tomorrow in an interdisciplinary manner. It is a course that is very well known and valued by employers and graduates are urgently needed in industry, particularly for the digital transformation.
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is a well-known degree with a high reputation among potential employers
- Very good job prospects: At the current rate, the number of graduates does not even cover the demand for existing vacancies.
- Digitization, miniaturization and electromobility require research and development by ETIT engineers and therefore the skills and knowledge of graduates in classic and new technologies are in demand.
What makes the degree program in Clausthal special
With the research field of Open Cyberphysical Systems and Simulation and its focus on digital technologies, Clausthal University of Technology addresses the central topics of digitalization and offers a wide range of internships and theses. One partner in digitalization and electromobility is China, where huge metropolitan areas place special demands on mobility and information exchange. German industry needs electrical engineers with expertise in China.
Structure of the study program
The course is designed to impart knowledge in order to conduct in-depth research and development on modern technologies for the digitalized world. The aim is to design technical systems with optimal behavior. To this end, the Master's degree program teaches engineering methodological skills in particular. Compulsory elective subjects give students the opportunity to choose their own specializations within electrical engineering and information technology. In the last two semesters, a practical research module and a final thesis are also planned so that students learn how to work scientifically. Successful completion of the course should open up the possibility of a consecutive Master's degree and later a doctorate.
- Fundamentals of Natural Sciences (Numerical Mathematics)
- Engineering fundamentals (advanced lectures on electronics, high-frequency engineering, communications engineering, control engineering, automation engineering, semiconductor systems)
- Engineering applications (software systems engineering, robotics and autonomous systems, microtechnology and sensor technology, laboratories and seminars to gain practical research experience)
- Interdisciplinary content (compulsory elective modules and Master's thesis)

Prof. Dr. Niels Neumann
Phone: +49 5323 72-3530
Institute for Electrical Information Technology
Leibnizstraße 28
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Rembe
Phone: +49 5323 72-2544
Institute for Electrical Information Technology
Leibnizstraße 28
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Type of program: Master
Duration: 4 Semester
Language of instruction: German
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Start date: Admission to the winter semester, but also to the summer semester possible.
Accreditation: Urkunde ASIIN
Beginning of studies
Welcome Weeks (before lectures begin)
TU Clausthal supports students as they start their studies with various event formats.
Pre-course in mathematics (before the start of lectures)
The Institute of Mathematics offers a pre-course in mathematics for Bachelor's degree programmes (in German). Master's students who would like to refresh their mathematics knowledge are also welcome to attend this course.
Study program flyer
Model study plans
only for AFB 2023
- Model study plans both fielt3://file?uid=20240ds of study
only for AFB 2021
Examination regulations
- General Examination Regulations
- Regulations (2023)-valid from WS 23/24
- Regulations (2021)-valid from WS 21/22 until SoSe 2025
Admission regulations
Elective catalogs
only for AFB 2023
only for AFB 2021
Module Handbook
only for AFB 2023
only for AFB 2021