Natural Resource Geosciences (Bachelor)

The Bachelor's degree course in Natural Resources Geosciences will end in the summer semester 2017. Enrolment is therefore only possible for the last time for first-year students in summer semester 17.

The supply of raw materials is one of the major global challenges of the coming decades. The current shortage of rare earths and technologically important metals as well as oil and natural gas is already noticeable. The Raw Materials Geosciences course provides comprehensive knowledge in all important areas of the raw materials sector.

Job profile and labor market

The Raw Materials Geoscientist course provides graduates with scientific qualifications for professional activities in various raw materials sectors. These include prospecting, exploration and extraction, quality assurance in the field and in the laboratory, research into the formation of deposits and their regional distribution as well as the investigation of recyclable materials for the recovery of valuable metals. Germany has only very limited reserves of deposits and imports all metals and most of its energy raw materials. The job market for young professionals is correspondingly international. Clausthal University of Technology, with its numerous contacts to raw materials-oriented partner universities abroad and international research and development projects, is a good basis for a successful start to such a career.

On the labor market, the demand for appropriately trained raw materials geoscientists and engineers with a degree from Clausthal University of Technology has continued unabated for decades. There is also an increasing demand from research institutions and authorities.

Specialist focus

The Bachelor's degree course has a scientific focus. It comprises a core area of geoscientific and engineering subjects that lay the foundations for a successful career start or access to a further course of study. The course also includes a wide range of practical courses in the field (excursions, mapping) and in the laboratory. The raw material groups of stone and earth, ores, crude oil/natural gas, groundwater, salt and recycling products are covered.

Subsequent study options

The Raw Materials Geosciences course lasts 3 years and concludes with a Bachelor's thesis. A two-year Master's course can then be taken up, for which the following courses are available at Clausthal University of Technology:

Student advisory service

Department of Mineralogy-Geochemistry-Salt Deposits

Prof. Dr. Kurt Mengel

Phone: +49 5323 72-3143
Fax: +49 5323 72-2810
Institute for Repository Research
Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2A
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Department of Mineral Resources

Prof. Dr. Bernd Lehmann

Phone: +49 5323 72-2776
Fax: +49 5323 72-2511
Institute for Repository Research
Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2A
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld