Systems Engineering

Studying in Clausthal

The Master's degree course in Systems Engineering is interdisciplinary and designed as a postgraduate course. It combines content from engineering, natural sciences and computer science for the development and realization of complex technical systems.

The tasks of a systems engineer include the development of new products, taking into account their entire life cycle including recycling, organization of production processes, quality monitoring as well as project planning, implementation and integration of complex systems with a multidisciplinary background. In the course of development, essential activities such as system analysis, system design, system development and system testing must be mastered.

In addition to skills from the engineering disciplines involved, this also requires the ability to manage projects, taking into account requirements, quality and project management.

The course is aligned with the curriculum of the Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering e.V. (GfSE), the German branch of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). This ensures a direct link to practice.

The course is accredited by ASIIN.

Specialist subject areas

The subject areas of the continuing education master's are divided into fundamentals, systems engineering and application and sub-areas in systems engineering.

A compulsory elective area is integrated into the two areas of sub-areas in systems engineering and systems engineering and application.

Job profile and labor market

The course is designed for the further education of experienced students with a qualified university degree. On completion of the Systems Engineering course, students will be familiar with the state of the art in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science, as well as the design and implementation of complex systems.

The continuing education course is designed to be practical and industry-oriented and thus provides the necessary grounding for practical application in the company. The fee-based course lasts two years and consists of block courses at the university and part-time phases with remote courses.

Student advisory service

Prof. Dr. Christian Siemers

Phone: +49 5323 72-7501
Fax: +49 5323 72-7599
Institute for Electrical Information Technology
Leibnizstraße 28
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Study program director

Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Inkermann

Phone: +49 5323 72-2270
Fax: +49 5323 / 72-99 - 3501
Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Robert-Koch-Straße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld