Business / Industrial Mathematics * (Bachelor)

Studying in Clausthal

Mathematics is a key discipline in practically all areas of our society: mathematical expertise is required both in more technical disciplines such as product development, weather forecasting and the stabilization of energy grids, as well as in more economics-oriented issues such as the planning, simulation and control of production facilities and transport networks. For example, well-planned routes in delivery traffic help to keep environmental pollution to a minimum. Only mathematical concepts and models make it possible to solve increasingly complex problems.

Fields of study

The Business / Industrial Mathematics degree program offers you the opportunity to choose between the following fields of study:

Field of study Technomathematics

Field of study Business Mathematics

Structure of the study program

Developments in recent years have increased the importance of mathematics, but at the same time have changed the professional requirements profile. The successful handling of challenging practical problems requires both the mastery of a broad spectrum of mathematical methods and the ability to collaborate and exchange ideas digitally with scientists from other disciplines. The concept of the Clausthal Business/Technomathematics degree course is tailored precisely to these requirements: In the Bachelor's degree course, students receive a basic education in the mathematical disciplines of analysis, linear algebra, numerical mathematics, stochastics, statistics and optimization as well as computer science and engineering. In the fifth and sixth semesters, students can choose from a wide range of compulsory elective subjects and put the knowledge they have acquired to the test in an interdisciplinary internship.

Part-time study

The Bachelor's degree program in Business / Industrial Mathematics can also be studied part-time. Further details on the requirements, structure and legal consequences of part-time studies can be found in the "Regulations governing part-time study (TzO)" of Clausthal University of Technology in the currently valid version.

Before applying for and taking up part-time studies, a consultation with the responsible part-time study coordinator is mandatory. During this consultation, the part-time study coordinator will agree on an individual study plan (learning agreement) for the part-time study program in consultation with the student.

Part-time study coordinator:
See academic advisor

You can find the form for applying for part-time study (incl. Learning Agreement) here

Study program director

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Säfken

Phone: +49 5323 72-2417
Fax: +49 5323 72-2304 (secretary's office)
Institute of Mathematics
Erzstraße 1
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld